Sometimes, words in Wordle with strange starting and ending letters can mess you up and kill your Wordle streak. Ensuring that you keep your streak going is an essential part of playing Wordle, but it might not be easy if you have to waste up all your guesses on words that can be anything. If you find yourself in a situation where your word of the day starts with a “G” and ends with an “R,” you might have a hard time coming up with words to use. When in this situation, you can consult this guide for some inspiration.
Related: What is Today’s Wordle Word?
Unfortunately, there are not a lot of words that begin with the letter “G” and end with the letter “R.” This makes it difficult to know what words to even use, but we’ve compiled all the words you can use in Wordle. After taking into consideration your first guess, consult the list below, as there are many words available for every situation that you can use. Review this list until you find a word suitable for the situation, and enter it in Wordle. You can hit ENTER and then watch your letters light up. These words will work in any Wordle game, so don’t worry about getting any false hits.
Words beginning with “G” and ending with “R”
- Gager
- Gamer
- Gaper
- Gaser
- Gater
- Gator
- Gazar
- Gazer
- Gebur
- Giber
- Giver
- Glair
- Glaur
- Gloar
- Glour
- Gluer
- Gnarr
- Gobar
- Gofer
- Goner
- Gular
As you can see, your selections here are quite slim, making it difficult to know which words to use. Many of these words are obscure, so go for the common words like “Gamer” and “Gofer” first. Common vowels used before the letter “R” are “A” and “E,” so try out those combinations as well before guessing other letters.
About the author
Joshua Chu
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