Ghost of Tsushima Hidden Trophies List

October 2024 · 6 minute read

The PlayStation trophy list for the critically acclaimed Ghost of Tsushima has just been revealed, complete with 31 hidden trophies, out of 77 total. This list comes a day prior to the PlayStation 5 release, and differs from the original PlayStation 4 list. Whether you want an early peak at the trophies to gauge their difficulty before release, or you’re reading in the future and want to unmask the hidden trophies, we’ve got them all here for you.

This article will list both the 31 Ghost of Tsushima hidden trophies, as well as the 46 visible trophies separately. Do note that hidden trophies are usually hidden for a reason, that reason being to block out potential spoilers, so if this is your first time playing this title, a spoiler alert is being issued now. The platinum isn’t overly difficult, though the add-ons can be a bit of a pain. Overall, this should be a fairly enjoyable completion for trophy hunters.

Ghost of Tsushima Hidden Trophies


Base game:

Iki Island: Story Add-On:

Iki Island: Exploration Add-On:

Other Trophies

Base game:

Ghost of Tsushima: Legends Mode Add-On:

New Game+ Add-On:

Iki Island: Story Add-On:

Iki Island: Exploration Add-On:

Legends: Rivals and Mastery Challenges Add-On:

Ghost of Tsushima is available to play on PC and PlayStation 4, and releases for PlayStation 5 on August 20th, 2021.
