How to Complain to Y&R -- Phone #, Mail, Twitter! - The Young and the Restless

October 2024 · 5 minute read

Let your voices be heard! Give Y&R your feedback!

CBS Phone Numbers

323-575-2345 (Ask for the Y&R Comment Line and leave a message)
818-655-1500 (Ask for Angelica McDaniel’s office)


Y&R -
Angelica McDaniel -
Steve Kent -


The Young and the Restless
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036


@AngelicaMcD , @SteveKentSony, @joshgriffith13, @actualbrentboyd, @SonyPictures , @CBSDaytime, @YandR_CBS, @YRinsider, @Official_YandR


Quote jackiejones: Let your voices be heard! Give Y&R your feedback!

CBS Phone Numbers

323-575-2345 (Ask for the Y&R Comment Line and leave a message)
818-655-1500 (Ask for Angelica McDaniel’s office)


Y&R -
Angelica McDaniel -
Steve Kent -


The Young and the Restless
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036


@AngelicaMcD , @SteveKentSony, @joshgriffith13, @actualbrentboyd, @SonyPictures , @CBSDaytime, @YandR_CBS, @YRinsider, @Official_YandR

Lol, keep those numbers handy cuz MS is not the only one getting pushed out.

2 more exits are coming.

Thought I would bring this back.

Since so much has been posted lately about how JFP and Co., are doing or not doing, thought it may be of interest.

Quote justjess: Quote jackiejones: Let your voices be heard! Give Y&R your feedback!

CBS Phone Numbers

323-575-2345 (Ask for the Y&R Comment Line and leave a message)
818-655-1500 (Ask for Angelica McDaniel’s office)


Y&R -
Angelica McDaniel -
Steve Kent -


The Young and the Restless
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036


@AngelicaMcD , @SteveKentSony, @joshgriffith13, @actualbrentboyd, @SonyPictures , @CBSDaytime, @YandR_CBS, @YRinsider, @Official_YandR

Lol, keep those numbers handy cuz MS is not the only one getting pushed out.

2 more exits are coming.

2 more? I thought it was only one more.

Quote TheCat: Quote justjess: Quote jackiejones: Let your voices be heard! Give Y&R your feedback!

CBS Phone Numbers

323-575-2345 (Ask for the Y&R Comment Line and leave a message)
818-655-1500 (Ask for Angelica McDaniel’s office)


Y&R -
Angelica McDaniel -
Steve Kent -


The Young and the Restless
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036


@AngelicaMcD , @SteveKentSony, @joshgriffith13, @actualbrentboyd, @SonyPictures , @CBSDaytime, @YandR_CBS, @YRinsider, @Official_YandR

Lol, keep those numbers handy cuz MS is not the only one getting pushed out.

2 more exits are coming.

2 more? I thought it was only one more.

I think it is only one. This is an old post I brought back because I have seen a lot of posts asking how to reach CBS. Who to call, email, etc., so that’s why I brought it back, just for the contact information, not for the who may be going aspect.

I wonder if it will do any good! They’re not doing their job to keep ratings up!
When they fired MAB, that was fine! But hiring JFP was disastrous!
They should hired Ed Scott & Kay Alden who could have brought the show back to bill bells legacy!
JFP should have been banned from soaps for years but she’s got friends who aren’t interested in keeping yr on the air!
JFP isn’t called the soap killer for nothing!
Everything she touches, she destroys like a witch in a fairy tale!
JFP looks like a witch too which is insulting for witches in itself!

Quote Sylviastel: I wonder if it will do any good! They're not doing their job to keep ratings up! When they fired MAB, that was fine! But hiring JFP was disastrous! They should hired Ed Scott & Kay Alden who could have brought the show back to bill bells legacy! JFP should have been banned from soaps for years but she's got friends who aren't interested in keeping yr on the air! JFP isn't called the soap killer for nothing! Everything she touches, she destroys like a witch in a fairy tale! JFP looks like a witch too which is insulting for witches in itself!

Love your post. Actually, I was looking this morning for an entirely different thread, never found the one I was looking for, but came across this one. Several posters recently have questioned how to contact TPTB so I brought it back to the front. Hope it helps somehow. Like you, I don’t know if it will do any good. But it certainly doesn’t hurt to try!

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This is important that they get the message but short from dropping bricks on their heads that CBS and Sony will get the message!
They hired JFP & JG to bury the show!
With jfp’s history, CBS & Sony hired her anyway.
Ed Scott & Kay Alden could have done the job but they chose otherwise!

I would rather hired Gl’s Ellen wheeler who despite anything was very passionate about Gl. Despite Kim zimmer’s rocky relationship with her, I still prefer Ellen who had no choice but to find creative ways in keeping the show afloat! Ellen was always professional! She wanted what was best for the show! I can’t say the same for JFP! Too bad, Ellen left the business! I would have picked her anyday over JFP!

Jill Farren Phelps…known in the business as The Soap Killer

@joshgriffith13 account has been permanently suspended.

It means he’s been permanently banned from Twitter.

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Thanks. I feel like Y&R even with some of the terrible storylines, is still better than Bold and the Beautiuful. It has gotten so bad over there it makes some of the worse Y&R storylines watchable lol.

Do you know why he’s been suspended from Twitter? Just curious.

If true it’s not for long. Maybe he got sick of all the whining and mean tweets. It’s pretty ugly right now with fan wars going on all the soaps. And it’s disgusting.

If he was suspended, it would have nothing to do with him being “sick of…” It would be something that he said that twitter objected to. :slightly_smiling_face:

No clue. It just means that he’s permanently banned from Twitter.

