While Twilight fans are still talking about Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson's, um, intimate moments in the franchise, the actress herself revealed that shooting their most famous sex scene was not as hot as it appears on screen. In fact, she says, it was "agony."
Speaking to Harper's Bazaar UK (quotes via PEOPLE), Kristen revealed that there was so much pressure to make the sultry Breaking Dawn scene as "otherworldly" as possible, it was torturous to film.
"On Twilight we had to do the most epic sex scene of all time," she said, ostensibly referring to the infamous honeymoon scene in which vampiric Edward Cullen (R. Pattz) literally breaks the bed during their encounter. "It had to be transcendent and otherworldly, inhuman, better sex than you can possibly ever imagine, and we were like, 'How do we live up to that?' It was agony. Which sucks, because I wanted it to be so good."
The actress also spoke out about the sexism which she believes runs rampant throughout Hollywood.
Women "inevitably have to work a little bit harder to be heard" in the industry, she told the magazine. "Hollywood is disgustingly sexist. It's crazy. It's so offensive it's crazy."
Still, as she recently told the Hollywood Reporter, she is so passionate about her career that she's willing to put up with the setbacks that get in the way.
"I love what I do and it’s worth protecting," she said.
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